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AAA Music | 30 September 2024

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Most Recent - Part 240

Me And My Drummer- The Hawk, The Beak, The Prey

31 October 2012 |

I’ve never heard of them before, or read about them. Let’s play these ten mp3s and see what’s all about.

Phobia is a dreaming pop slow tempo that opens the debut album for Me And My Drummer. The voice … Read More

People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz – The Keystone Cut Ups

29 October 2012 |

People Like Us and Ergo Phizmiz premiered their experiemental project “The Keystone Cut Ups” at the Berwick Film and Media Art Festival back in 2010. Since then the interest and curiosity amongst art, music and film lovers in this … Read More

Matt Cardle- The Fire

29 October 2012 |

After parting ways with Columbia Records earlier this year, Matt Cardle has gone back to his roots and is releasing second album “The Fire” via So What Recordings, a smaller label but perhaps more suited to Cardles down to … Read More

Rodina – Rodina And The Wolf

29 October 2012 |

This is the second release form Leeds based duo are singer Aoife Hearty and musician and song-writing partner Joe Tatton. Their debut album “Over the Sun” was well received by fans and critics alike, leaving many people awaiting a … Read More

PJP Band – I Am A Racer

29 October 2012 |

When this song first started playing, I had high hopes for the band’s sound but as the song progressed, the lyrics bothered me more and more. Everything else about the ‘I Am a Racer’ has potential, even if it … Read More

The I.D – Blood, Sweat & Honour

29 October 2012 |

There are three tracks on this EP and, I think it’s safe to say, that none of them are particularly outstanding. The thing that bothered me most about all the tracks was the fact that the vocals sounded like … Read More

Shout Timber – East India Trading Company

28 October 2012 |

We’ve heard the angsty urban poetics and snarling jangle of indie; that seems to be evermore a fading memory as its brighter, jeering cousin comes increasingly to prominence, all sunbeams and smiles. Following the trend set by bands such … Read More

The Hickey Underworld – I’m Under The House, I’m Dying

28 October 2012 |

I like post-hardcore. A lot. However, I have become quite picky about my post-hardcore – a predictable result of the oversaturation of the scene. There are too many post-hardcore bands, and it’s hard to find bands that bring something … Read More

Huey and the New Yorkers – Say It My Face

28 October 2012 |

Huey and the New Yorkers is the new moniker for Fun Loving Criminals frontman and BBC radio DJ Huey Morgan, and ‘Say It To My Face’ is the new album from this solo project.

Intentionally more mature than … Read More

Candice Gordon – Cannibal Love

28 October 2012 |

Despite her presence on the various social networks, singer-songwriter Candice Gordon has managed to retain an air of mystery – there isn’t much information about her background on the ol’ Internet, aside from the fact that she is now … Read More