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AAA Music | 20 September 2024

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Most Recent - Part 21

The Most Controversial Nicki Minaj Feuds in Hollywood

14 July 2020 |

It is no doubt that Nicki Minaj is one of the best 21st century female musicians.  Which would explain why she probably has a lot of people coming for her. Especially considering that some of her rap lyrics are quite … Read More

Music’s Affect on Gamblers

13 July 2020 |

You might not automatically think this, but music does have an affect on the way people gamble. It’s not just a case of too loud music making it difficult to concentrate, though that’s not a desired situation.  Ever tried to … Read More

How to Give a Challenge Coin: The Ultimate Guide

8 July 2020 |


Do you want to give something to a family member who rendered service for the country? Do you want to honor him with a small token that they’ll truly appreciate? Then a challenge coin is one of … Read More

The Benefits of Learning an Instrument as an Adult

3 July 2020 |

When people talk about the benefits of learning to play an instrument, the benefits are often focused on children. There are many benefits to learning to play as a child, but that doesn’t mean adults can’t benefit from it as … Read More

4 Careers for Music Lovers Who Don’t Want to Perform

1 July 2020 |

When you think about careers for music lovers, those that spring to mind often involve performing of some sort. After all, music is a performance art, right? But just because you have a passion for music and would like to … Read More

The Best Workout Songs To Get You Motivated

25 June 2020 |

Working out compared to playing high stake online casino games can be a struggle. Almost all the times you have to dig deep for you to get yourself on a flexible yoga routine. Some even prefer a dread treadmill routine. … Read More

Is It Good to Listen to Music While Studying?

25 June 2020 |

Music, and all music is good, depending on the ear listening. It is food for the soul. Music entertains, brings back memories, and uplifts the spirit. Even in somber situations, music comforts the distressed people.

People of different persuasions listen … Read More

The Psychological Effect of Music: What to Play When Multitasking

22 June 2020 |

Smiling young African female university student sitting on a campus bench working on a laptop while preparing for an exam

Around 71 percent of employees believe they’re more productive when they listen to music. If your employer doesn’t restrict music … Read More

Fletcher Munson Curve: What To Know For Audio Recording

19 June 2020 |

Condenser microphone golden in the studio recording creating the sound effect for the content creator

Although sound frequencies may follow standard actions, different people may have varying audio experiences. Case on point, audio recording operations need to cater to a … Read More

How Live Streaming Could Transform Las Vegas Entertainment As We Know It

16 June 2020 |

Think of Las Vegas and you think of casinos, gambling, and bumper entertainment events such as live music concerts and world title boxing matches. Millions of people pass through the city’s establishments every year looking for the ultimate entertainment experience … Read More