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AAA Music | 24 January 2025

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4 Musical Instruments That Are Perfect For Beginners

| On 18, Jan 2021

Everyone loves music, but not all share the same way how they enjoy it. Some prefer to sing it all out or play it using musical instruments. Everyone one of us has our own choice on how we link ourselves to music. In fact, there are hundreds of musical instruments a person can learn and play. Being able to play even one instrument can give you an advantage over others. You can use it during your pastime, earn money from it by playing in restaurants and sometimes joining a music competition or do it out of a passion for music. This 2021, if you are looking to learn to play a musical instrument but don’t know which instrument to play with, this article is for you. According to experts, some instruments are easier to learn than others, so we have put four instruments for beginners. 


The keyboard or piano is one of the best musical instruments for people starting to learn music. One would probably say that it is hard and takes some time to learn, but once you have mastered every key, it is a humbling feeling, and it is something that you can bring with you for a lifetime. Experts agree that playing the keyboard has some good benefits as well. It develops your concentration, shape your memory, and sharpen your brain. There are a lot of different types of pianos available in the market. There are these traditional acoustic pianos that are large and expensive. There are some keyboards that have gone digital that offer the same sound and fee at a much lower price tag.


The guitar is a string type of musical instrument that has four to six strings. The sound it gives is acoustically soothing, and it is typically played by plucking the strings with one hand and pressing the strings with your other hand. Learning to play guitar helps you build a strong relationship with others and develop your confidence as well. Do take note that the guitar comes in different sizes and styles. Choose the one that fits perfectly for you. We recommend starting by using classical guitars as it is the best choice for beginners. 


The drums are also one of the best musical instruments for beginners who wish to learn more about music. We cannot deny the fact that drums are large as a set and utterly loud. However, despite their size and sound, they are extremely fun to learn and play around with, perfect in relieving your stress, frustration, and anything inside you. According to an expert who gives fun and exciting drum lessons in Melbourne, there are a lot of studios that offer a wide range of services when it comes to learning drums. Choose among the best in your area and make the most out of this incredible experience. If you are looking for a drum kit, you can start by purchasing a small kit and something comfortable with your range. 


You may have probably used this musical instrument in your life before, especially during your early days at school. The flute is one of the most popular musical instruments for beginners. It is a small and compact tube that requires you to blow and cover holes to produce sound. It is easy to learn, and one of the most affordable instruments there is. 

So here are the instruments you can play as a beginner. Once you have mastered any of these instruments, you may go on and learn another instrument. The key here is patience. You’ll enjoy every minute of it learning.