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AAA Music | 25 February 2025

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Teach Yourself To Sing

| On 14, Jan 2021

Whether you dream of performing your songs to a concert hall full of fans or perhaps you want to impress your co-workers and friends by being better at karaoke, teaching yourself to sing is a noble goal and can be an interesting skill to have.

While some people opt to seek out a professional voice tutor, doing so can sometimes be quite expensive. There is also some truth to the statement that ‘many people who want to improve their voices are self-conscious about how they sound.’ At first, even singing in front of another person can seem like a daunting task. However, if you decide to teach yourself to sing like many aspiring vocalists, you might not be sure just how to begin. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the ways you can begin teaching yourself to sing.

Understand Head Voice And Chest Voice

To learn how to sing, you need to understand the difference between your Head Voice and Chest Voice. The head voice creates higher notes, which feel like a vibration in your head, and the chest voice feels lower and warmer. To realize your full potential as a singer, you will have to learn to switch between voices using a Mixed Voice.

Make Breathing Exercises Your Friend

It is important to learn proper breath control using breathing exercises to prevent the risk of vocal strain and injury. Singing well involves having great breath control. Rehearsing diaphragmatic breathing can be a very crucial step as it goes a long way to improve your voice. 

Record Yourself Regularly

It’s difficult to assess your exact vocal tone by hearing yourself sing. This is because your voice will always sound better and more resonant in your own head. However, recording yourself as you sing helps you assess the tone of your vocals. When you hear a recording of yourself, you can more precisely pinpoint where you want to improve. 

Take A Course

We know this is a list that’s essentially about teaching yourself to sing. But many self-taught people do reach out for the occasional help and guidance along the way. The internet allows you ready access to a number of fantastic music courses, being actively taught to students at all levels of the vocal journey. However, it is true that these courses may not be able to give you the individualistic attention that you could get in an in-person class. They tend to be the more affordable option. There are also many YouTubers that tend to provide access to free courses on their channels or through their partners.

Work on Expanding Your Range

Most people already have a fairly good idea of their range. It’s made of pitches that you can consistently hit. However, if you’re serious about being a vocalist, you have to be able to hit the high notes as well as the warm lows. In order to expand your range, you need to constantly practice your vocal exercises. While practicing, it would be recommended that you briefly hit a few high notes than you’re comfortable with before going back to the original scale. 


As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. Singing, like most other skills, can often be upskilled by constant and careful practice. Sometimes it can be discouraging when you are starting your journey to not know where your voice may lead you, but we would recommend that you continue down this wonderful path. If you do need some guidance along we would highly recommend a few sessions with a voice coach or online courses to get constructive feedback on your skills.