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AAA Music | 24 January 2025

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The Top 4 Instruments for Kids to Start Learning

| On 20, Nov 2020

The drummer plays the drums.

Learning how to play an instrument at a young age can be a defining moment for a lot of children. Music is a powerful, creative outlet that serves many purposes in life. 

By starting your child out on any instrument, you are helping them to experiment with their creative abilities, and that is a great thing!

Many instruments take years to master, but some are better suited for beginners to try. 

To help you find something that your child may be interested in, we have created a list of some of the better instruments that are great for beginners to start with. So, let’s begin!

1. Drums

While keeping a beat might be a little challenging at the beginning, drums are some of the easiest instruments to start on.

Just by messing around with a bongo or toying with the cymbals, your child is going to enjoy making some music and might pick up on the many different sounds that can be produced from this instrument.

A beginner drum set can be inexpensive and are made with a young audience in mind. These sets are on the smaller side and are a great starting point to get your child interested in the world of music.

2. Ukulele

If you want to stick to something that may be a bit quieter, a Ukulele is a great choice. 

These four-stringed instruments are easy to play, and the chords are quite simple to learn – even for small, inexperienced hands.

After just a few lessons or even online videos, your child may be able to play the chord progressions to some of their favorite songs. This simple instrument is easy to play and creates such a rewarding sound. We know that your child will love it!

Additionally, this instrument is an excellent intro into all stringed instruments. Your child may be ready to level up to a traditional guitar in no time.

3. Piano

This may be a bit of an advanced option, but the piano is a great starting point for musicians of any age. The piano helps to teach music theory and basic note-reading, which can be applied to other instruments down the road. 

Additionally, piano lessons can help your children to practice memorization skills and improve their hand-eye-coordination, so this is a very healthy challenge that they might love.

Even if your child isn’t ready to commit to a full-fledged piano lesson, they might enjoy messing around and playing with the keys to what types of sounds they can create. They’ll never know until they try!

4. Recorder

There is a reason that these are so popular in the school setting. That’s because the recorder is another simple instrument that is easy to learn. You can usually master a couple of songs within an hour or so. It’s an instrument that anyone can play and practice with just a few lessons.

Recorders are also easy enough to use so your child can fiddle around with them and see what tunes they can think up. Again, this is a great creative outlet and is a fun way to spend some free time. 

Final Thoughts 

Learning to play an instrument may not be for everyone, but children are often eager to try out new things. This is a great way to keep the mind active while spending some time with their artistic side.

Everyone has to start somewhere when it comes to playing music. And, who knows? Maybe you will be able to help your child find their true passion in one of the instruments listed above!