Learn Guitar with Guitar Learning Apps
aaamusic | On 17, Jul 2020

Traditional lessons simply aren’t ideal for everyone, especially when considering the circumstances that the world is facing right now. Even before the effects of lockdown and social distancing, online courses were becoming one of the most popular options for remote learning; thanks to flexibility, price, and the ability to log in from anywhere.
With this in mind, it should come as no surprise that there are many amazing websites and apps for you to choose from. The main advantage of this is that you have a plethora of options, each of which is likely to be able to teach you something new (although the amount can prove to be a bit overwhelming). As a result, we want to help you to better understand the benefits of learning guitar via virtual tutorship.
A great way to begin your journey
If you’re new to learning this instrument and aren’t sure if you want to fully commit to it, or perhaps you want to get a better understanding of a few basics before looking for an online lesson; finding a guitar learning app might be a good idea.
Some of the best ones currently on the market often have features that make the experience quite a bit different from more traditional teaching methods. For example, you’ll find those that are play-along. These will generally aim to have a variety of songs in their inventory, allowing you to learn to play something that you may already be familiar with. This can help you to get used to the chords and what sounds they make.
If you want, you can take a step up from there when you feel a little more confident and look for online lessons instead (be sure to check out our review of Fender Play if you’re interested in seeing an expert’s opinion one of the most popular courses out there).
There is plenty that you can learn just from apps, especially if you pick high quality ones. Whether you use them as the base of your education or try to learn everything you can without using other methods is entirely up to you – the only thing we would suggest is that you take the time to choose the right one for your needs.
Don’t just pick any app
While you may be far more likely to try free applications than those that come with a price tag, this isn’t always the best idea. They may not work out to be as informative or as well developed, as in most cases free apps of this kind are often centered around getting as many downloads as possible rather than actually teaching something of benefit to their users.
This is why investing a little bit of money into a more thought-out application can make all the difference to your experience. These can often be cheaper than online courses, so still excellent for beginners hoping to get a feel for the instrument, while also providing useful information and helping you to improve your skills as a guitarist.