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AAA Music | 26 January 2025

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How to choose the best guitar pick for your style of play?

| On 03, Jun 2020

There are many things to consider when choosing the right guitar pick; some are mentioned below:


If you are not comfortable playing the guitar, you can never progress. Achieving comfort will allow you to become loose while playing and open doors to become more creative. Whether you want to play alone in your room or play in front of 10,000 people, comfort will build confidence, which will lead to a loss of style. Additionally, you can also choose custom picks for your greater comfort and a better experience.

Shape / size

If you go down to your neighbourhood guitar store, you may notice many different styles of picks. The picks range from half the size of your hand to the size of a penny. This will show you that the picks are not one size fits all. There are many custom shapes and sizes of picks, but the three most common are the equilateral, the tear, and the standard.


 The tear pick is more of a rounded tool. The teardrop is available in a variety of styles, including wide (which rests on the heavier side) and thin (which is more flexible).


This is the most prevalent guitar choice you will see, and it is an excellent balance between the equilateral and the tear. Most guitarists prefer this style of pick because it has a broad base for holding and smoothly turns into a unique base point.


This pick is exactly as it sounds. Three equal sides creating a perfect triangle, each side can be used for playing. This guitar pick is usually more significant and is ideal for beginners who are used to holding a pick and picking.

Custom Picks

If you are looking for great guitar picks, then the DutchPicks Guitar picks printer offers musicians a way to generate additional income and connect more in close collaboration with their fans through a range of custom prints

The NFC guitar pick allows groups and artists to make themselves available at concerts and online.

With more than the 4 years of actual development now DutchPicks are able to successfully integrate an NFC chip into the Guitar pick as said by Michael Kenis, owner of DutchPicks.” It can bring new possibilities that were not possible before.

Picks can be scanned with their mobile phone, giving users exclusive access to a group or artist. Think of video clips, behind-the-scenes footage, listening to the latest album, and more.

Even after the purchase, it is possible to modify the content of the picks. Soon it will also be possible.

Use the selections as an entry ticket. Colour printing is possible on custom picks, giving groups/artists their appearance

DutchPicks has notably printed picks for the famous bands which include Coldplay, AC / DC, Kiss and Adele, and many others

We often have the question of making interactive selections with a QR code,” says DutchPicks.

Let’s try new technologies and integrate them into guitar picks. After years of studying and testing different materials, we finally have a final product. “