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Submit Music for TV: 5 Things Indie Music Artists Need to Know to Get Their Music on Television

| On 31, Mar 2020

Are you a talented singer or musician? If so, you are likely hungry to find ways to share your work with as many people as possible.

The process of getting your music recorded and exposed to the world is both easier and more challenging than ever before. That’s because while technology has made recording music and making it available to listeners crazy easy, it’s also extremely challenging to break out and make serious money doing what you love.

This article takes a look at how to submit music for TV. After all, the TV industry is a massive consumer of quality music. Keep reading to discover insight into how music placement for movies and TV works so that you can start cashing in on this amazing opportunity.

1. Quality is Key

Before you worry about licensing material to any industry, be sure that you have a quality product to offer. This means spending lots of time writing, honing your chops, and then recording a professional-level product that will be acceptable to the needs of various media industries.

This is easier said than done, and it often takes many years to reach the level of skill and quality necessary to interest those who are in a position to make decisions that could elevate your career as a recording artist.

2. Do Your Own All Publishing Right to Your Recordings?

Next, you need to make sure that you own the full rights to your recordings. Otherwise, you could find yourself unable to license your work for use in movies of TV.

If you wrote everything yourself, and then recorded the material at home, you definitely own everything free and clear. But if you hire an outside producer or musicians to help in the recording process, you will likely need them to grant permission in licensing the recordings.

Believe it or not, this can get seriously complicated, especially when lawyers get involved.

3. Take Advantage of Online Music Libraries

Once you’ve determined that you own the rights to your recordings, you can submit your songs to music libraries that are designed for professionals in TV and the movies looking for music. Resources such as feature amazing artists like Miranda Frigon that are perfect for television soundtracks.

Just be sure to read each company’s submission policy in order to understand the specifics.

4. Create Your Own Opportunities for Success

Keep in mind that there is no single path to success in the music industry. Never stop writing and recording. After all, you might record hundreds of songs before you produce a tune with tremendous commercial appeal.

5. Build a Network of Relationships Within the Industry

One of the key factors to success in the entertainment industry is to build relationships. Go to industry events, make friends, and build a network of peers who can help each other. You just never know who you might meet along the way who could help take your career to the next level.

A Guide to Help Submit Music for TV

Establishing a career in the entertainment industry isn’t easy. Fortunately, these tips can help you submit music for TV shows so that you can make your dream a reality.

Keep scrolling to discover more tips and advice about the music industry.