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The Entertainment Industry In A Digital World

| On 05, Oct 2017


The advent of the digital age that we are currently living in has changed many aspects of our daily lives. The entertainment industry in particular has undergone a massive change. There are more forms of entertainment available now than there have ever been previously. Things that have been around for a while are also very different because of the new technology that is available. Some of the main aspects of the entertainment world and the changes that have occurred are discussed below.


The movie industry has been around for almost one hundred years but it is very different in the digital age. The technology that is available now means that the special effects are barely distinguishable from the live action. There is also a lot that can be done in post production with regards to special effects. This gives screen writers much more scope in terms of the stories that they can tell in their movies.

TV Series

The digital age has changed TV almost as much as it has the movie industry. There is a greater number of TV programmes that are being made now because of the increase in the number of channels. Streaming services that started off just showing movies are now also making their own TV shows. The budgets are so big for TV shows nowadays that they can use the same special effects that are found in movies and can also pay the actors as much as they would make in a film.

Mobile Gaming

Some of the earliest mobile phones had simple games on them but they were nothing like they are today. Games that can be played on mobiles today have the same quality graphics as you would expect to find it you were playing on a PC or console. There are all types of games that can be played on phones and tablets now including strategy, action and puzzles. You can even play games to win real money, such as the games that can be found at Royal Vegas mobile casino.


The biggest change that the digital age has made to music is in the way that we buy it and listen to it. Music can now be downloaded straight to our phones and this is the way that a lot of people choose to purchase it, choosing this over buying a physical CD. Some of the charts that are compiled all around the world take into account music that is downloaded because this is such a popular way of purchasing music. Streaming services for listening to music have also become very popular.

Social Media

Before the digital age came along, social media did not exist. Now there are not many people that do not have at least one social media account. Even though social media is used primarily for keeping in contact with family and friends, it can also be used for entertainment. Social media sites such as Facebook have games that you can play and videos can be watched on most sites and shared with your friends.