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AAA Music | 1 March 2025

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Bingo and Music: Is Silence Golden?

| On 21, Oct 2016


Generally, those who play bingo in an actually bingo hall prefer their games to be free of music. When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense: you want to be able to hear the numbers called, mutter with your neighbouring players, and who wants to scream at the top of their lungs in order to be heard over the sound system when you finally win? In addition, the silence during games arguably adds to the whole trademark atmosphere, creating excitement through tension.

However, there are so many more possibilities when it comes to online bingo. It doesn’t matter if you’re playing solo or with some friends, background music can help liven up the game. Whether you prefer creating a peaceful atmosphere with some chilled classical, electronica or new age, or bring the party with some upbeat rock’n’roll, pop or techno, online bingo players have the freedom to conjure up a personalised gaming environment. Imagine smashing on some hardcore punk to help speed up the setting up of your game, or putting on some celebratory disco-funk while you claim a sky bingo bonus.

These days, there are so many ways that one can access music, and like the difference in genre choices, gamers can choose anything from sticking on a background CD, using online radio services or specially curate their own tailored bingo playing playlists. Some online bingo games have gone even further, by incorporating music into their actual game (e.g. using music clips in place of the standard bingo setup)!

So, does music have a role in the future of bingo? I wouldn’t bet against it.