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AAA Music | 1 March 2025

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AAA Music Approved: Ed Tullett

| On 22, Jan 2016

Ed Tullett - Interview

Who are you and where are you from?

Ed Tullett, born in Oxford, currently living near Brighton.

What inspired you to get into music?

The sound for this record came from writing ‘Malignant’, the lead single. I’d flirted with electronic music for a while, especially in the remixes I was doing. But I wanted to make something that blended that with a more natural sound – the acoustic guitars and the heavy reliance on stacked falsetto harmony bridges that gap. Of course there are clear influences, but I wanted to make something that wasn’t necessarily easily comparable to any peers.

Influences include Radiohead, Bon Iver, Sufjan Stevens, Son Lux, Active Child.

What have you done?

I had a Bon Iver remix (Hinnom, TX remix on the Spotify Stems Project release) picked/released by the band, have remixed Local Natives/Hundred Waters. My single with Novo Amor, ‘Faux’, has had over 1,000,000 Spotify plays and been featured in Bones and Pretty Little Liars. We’re currently working on a full record together for release this year.

What are you like live?

I played some small showcases at SXSW 2013, and also supported Tegan & Sara in Bristol once. I haven’t played live in a while, but I have a 3-piece band ready to play this new material. It’s been very different playing electronic stuff live, but really fun. The record is pretty ‘big’ sounding, and that’s always the most enjoyable stuff to play live.

What makes you different?

I’d say the new record itself is pretty original. It’s been hard for the team working on it to pin down a genre to tell press/distribution – it’s hard to describe with a few words, which I really like.

Physical vs Downloading vs Streaming…How do you listen to music?

I have a pretty big vinyl collection. I try to buy every single release that I love on vinyl, I think it’s the best way of owning a record. But mostly I listen to music on my computer – it’s just easier. I don’t use Spotify, I prefer owning music. I don’t have a huge problem with services like that though.

What have you been listening to?

Recently I’ve been listening to a lot of Tame Impala’s latest record, and one of my favourite fairly unknown bands, Colour Revolt.

What are your aspirations for the future?

Ali (Novo Amor) and I are really excited about our record that’s nearly finished, it will be great to get that released and potentially tour it. I’ve also been doing a lot of co-writing for other artists, so this year some of those songs should be released. Overall I’m just looking at making as much music as possible, in as many genres/projects as possible – as long as it’s good!

Questions answered by: Ed Tullett…