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How Music Can Impact Online Gaming

| On 12, Jan 2016


The evolution of online gaming, including playing on online casinos such as Casino Netbet, offers a new and interesting intersection of online media and music. Physical casinos can use music to influence players’ experience of the game, for example through using sounds or music as a reward, or creating an atmosphere by using a particular genre of music.

Arguably music can play an even more important role online, as users are more likely to be engaged in other activities while playing, and therefore could be open to more distractions.  Music can be used to indicate to players when they need to act, through falling silent or reverting to background music, to encourage players to keep playing through faster paced and increasingly interesting genres, and to boost players’ mood. Music can also help to simulate a similar atmosphere to that created in a physical casino, making people feel more comfortable and engaged in what they’re doing.

This is interesting to consider in light of the rumours that the upcoming edition of Grand Theft Auto, which already features custom made soundtracks, will include a casino for gamers to play in. While in-game purchases are already common, this takes things to a new level, and it will be interesting to see whether the game makes use of any of the features above to encourage players to remain in the casino.