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AAA Music | 3 March 2025

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ZERVAS & PEPPER – Abstract Heart

| On 18, Jun 2015

ZERVAS & PEPPER - Abstract Heart

Welsh singer songwriter duo Paul Zervas and Kathryn Pepper have a love of Californian sun drenched sounds. They create dreamy and reflective folk rock similar to those melodic 70s artists from Laurel Canyon in the Hollywood Hills.  In 2011 they released Somewhere in the City, a sparkling and acclaimed debut album,.

Their charming third album Abstract Heart, released on May 25th, 2015 on Zerodeo Records, has harmonies that are reminiscent of Crosby, Stills and Nash and the spiritual beauty of Joni Mitchell.

The warm acoustic song ‘Miller’, with fine vocals and pleasant instrumentation, is followed by a relaxed and easy going ‘Terraform’, whilst ‘Foolish Dreamer’ has a magic and urgency a little like the jangling psychedelic sounds of The Byrds. Soft ‘Here & Now’ moves gently and the uplifting ‘Silver To Chrome’ becomes joyful and infectious, contrasting with a dark ‘Celestial Friend’ which tells touchingly about the loss of someone close. In this latter song rich imagery tries to comfort with the idea that the spirit lives on after death.

Zervas & Pepper create soothing and original music with a classic sound. They write thoughtful, introspective lyrics inspired by the art, music and people they’ve met on their travels. The upbeat harmonies are probably best enjoyed with a cool bottle of Californian wine on a hot summers day.

Anthony Weightman

Review Overview

Anthony Weightman

Very Good

This charming third album has harmonies that are reminiscent of Crosby, Stills and Nash and the spiritual beauty of Joni Mitchell.