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AAA Music | 1 March 2025

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| On 30, Apr 2015

For real music nuts, hearing certain songs for the first time is comparable to falling desperately in love…

The intense obsession of the first few listens (normally in rapid succession) lead to the realisation of what may occur if behaviour carries on – the dreaded Overplay. The best thing to do in these situations is to ration the listens each day, but for most music nuts this isn’t an option. Try as they might, the temptation to look in Pandora’s Box and hear those beautiful tones once again proves too overwhelming, leading to the break-up and the eventual desertion of the track.

This particular song has the potential to be one of these especially powerful types of earworms. James Bay had a pretty impressive 2014, and his 2015 started off with a bang – winning the Critic’s Choice BRIT Award and the release of his debut album, Chaos and the Calm.

‘Let It Go’ featured on its own EP and was released in May 2014. Its beauty lies in its simple, wistful grace. There are traces of familiarity that lie in Jacquire King’s production – of Tom Waits, Kings Of Leon and Norah Jones fame.

Apart from the magnificent vocals, the harmony between the two guitars in the chorus is just exquisite – as though two birds singing together. The layering throughout is the draw to the listener that can’t help but play it repeatedly. This stunning offering from James Bay feels like something precious, secretly shared, gaining momentum.

Emma Dodds

Review Overview

Emma Dodds


This stunning offering from James Bay feels like something precious, secretly shared, gaining momentum.