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AAA Music | 2 March 2025

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SPECTOR – All The Sad Young Men

| On 10, Feb 2015

This track from Spector comes on a little strong but if you give it time to settle then you might just have found a new regular addition to your daily routine. Despite a strong denial for wanting to make love, this has got a pretty handy beat to do it if you’re thinking of having your yearly dose of marital relations. A good rhythm indeed.

The depth of the pounding, aurally may I stress, is incredibly powerful and will strike you right to your very core whilst some of the lighter synths and the backing vocals, that don’t seem to have quite as much of a definite point to prove as the lead vocal, help keep this track from winding up stuck in a drudge of endless low points. That’s not to say that the vocals aren’t anything other than enticing – it’s like there’s a new version of Brandon Flowers doing the rounds, though you’d almost certainly rather admit being a fan of this newer incarnation if surrounded by trendy young people.

‘All The Sad Young Men’  is a stone-cold beaut, well worth letting it into your ears and, maybe in time, into your heart.

Ciaran Steward

Review Overview

Ciaran Steward

Very Good

'All The Sad Young Men' is a stone-cold beaut, well worth letting it into your ears and, maybe in time, into your heart.