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AAA Music | 1 March 2025

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CYTOTA – Shapes

| On 07, Jan 2015

Here we have one of the latest tracks from Birmingham-based metalcore band Cytota. ‘Shapes’ is the first release to feature their new vocalist and it’s a bloody banger.

I’m gonna get this out of the way early – yes, this new vocalist sounds like Austin from Rise to Remain but it isn’t him. It’s his younger brother, Griffin. And yes, they are both Bruce Dickinson’s sons. I bet it’s amazing when they bring out the cake on your birthday in that family. Well, it’d be remiss of me not to also mention the similarities with Rise to Remain, not just in the vocal department, but the musical one too. If you like Rise to Remain, you will in all likelihood enjoy Cytota too.

‘Shapes’ opens with guitar chords ringing out and a solid drum pattern building up to something. As the vocals join the ensemble, the music sounds like it takes influence from While She Sleeps. Griffin shows us that he can keep up with his older sibling, demonstrating commanding screams, powerful yells and a melodic clean singing voice. As the song evolves, Cytota give us a big melodic and energetic chorus that is easy to sing along with. A bridge with clean guitars and a complete change in dynamics show off the skill of the musicians; they don’t just do heavy. Though, the song does end on the heavier side of things.

This is the best offering yet from Cytota and it definitely leaves me wanting more. Like an album maybe. Check out the video for ‘Shapes’ above…

Jake Parker

Review Overview

Jake Parker

Very Good

This is the best offering yet from Cytota and it definitely leaves me wanting more. Like an album maybe.