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AAA Music | 3 March 2025

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JOLTA – Easily Grounded

| On 04, Nov 2014

Oh my, Oh my, Oh my! ‘Easily Grounded’ by this Brighton-based four piece is an absolute, groin-grabber of a track.

If you (like myself) are a fan of gargantuan swaggering riffs, uncompromising attitude and sexy grooves by the truckload, then you will love this. Tired of the same old, middle of the road, over-played radio fodder? Then blow away those cobwebs that have been spun by the spiders of music mogul  mediocrity with this roarer of single, fresh off the press from JOLTA.

Instantly likeable with an outrageously infectious riff, interspersed with unapologetic vocal phrases, this track leaps from the drudgery of the typical stylings of your average alternative-rock band into something far more substantial. This, to me, seems to have a tinge of The Mars Volta about it (Circa Thomas Pridgen days), a period in their career of which I adored. This song gives an incredible amount of space for each instrument to be validated as being a part of this powerhouse of a record, opening out even further for the great release of the choruses and crystalising solo, which do not disappoint in any way. After the emphatic build up of the pre-chorus after the blitzing solo, the sparseness of the first few lines of the final chorus allows the vocals and understated guitar accompaniment to take center stage, leaving the listener on tenterhooks, waiting for the reemergence of that emphatic chant-like phrase…and it is worth it!

I look forward to hearing more from JOLTA in the future, of which I am sure there will be plenty of releases from.

Chris Hutchings

Review Overview

Chris Hutchings

Very Good

Instantly likeable with an outrageously infectious riff, interspersed with unapologetic vocal phrases, this track leaps from the drudgery of the typical stylings of your average alt-rock band into something far more substantial.