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AAA Music | 31 March 2025

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| On 26, Jun 2014


Cosmos II is a brand new EP release from pop-rock Swedish act Mountain Bird. All the five tracks from Cosmos II show the band’s accurate approach to the way they would like to sound: aspiring, alive and dreamful. Most of work in writing, arranging and producing tracks was done by the man behind Mountain Bird, Stockholm musician Adam Öhman.

The highlight of the EP is its first track ‘The Visitor’. Its energetic rhythms, gentle vocals and philosophic lyrics can help ‘The Visitor’ to become a strong hit. No wonder Mountain Bird chose it to be a single and released at the end of May as an introduction to the Cosmos II EP (watch the video below).

The ever-doubting nature of the following second track – ‘Prison’ – is revealed in its uncertain backgrounds, pulsating electro guitars and brave statements.

Another track – ‘Hospital’ – is more relaxed and atmospheric than the prime tracks of Cosmos II. Its mood continues in the next, ‘Satellites’. This one is probably the most ethereal and enigmatic on the whole EP.

The final track – ‘Cosmos’ – starts as a sci-fi movie soundtrack and soon after turns to quite recognisable Mountain Bird’s sonics, which reach a haunting  yet calming twist.

It seems like Mountain Bird is right on track in finding a trademark sound. Although at some points the tracks can sound familiar due to standard arrangements and dramaturgy, but with every new track Mountain Bird proves his ability to develop an unmistakable sound of his own.

Cosmos II is out now via Universal Music Group. It’s worth checking out if you seek a healthy balance between intellectual and entertaining music in a contemporary staging.

Agnessa Yermakova

Check out our interview with Mountain Bird here…