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AAA Music | 26 March 2025

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AAA Music Approved: Tyler N Stevie

| On 17, Feb 2014

T&S 7-1 (1)

AAAmusic: Who are you and where are you from?

Tyler Reid & Stevie G. We are from USA, Jersey Boys! I wrote a song back in H.S. and was too lazy to finish the verse. Stevie was in drama club with me and I knew he had some skills. I asked him to write the verse. BOOM the rest was history. Fresh, unique musical sandwich.

AAAmusic: What inspired you to get into music?

We both have different reasons but in the end it was the best way we knew to express ourselves. Stevie likes old school rap, which include the likes of Lauren Hill, Notorious BIG etc while I’m influenced by Punk, Ska – i.e. Blink-182, Sum 41, Sublime and Street light Manifesto.

AAAmusic: What have you done?

Oh man, tough question. Don’t think we’ve even come close to making an “impact” but we definitely want to leave our mark. We’ve written with some great producers, including Stargate, but we still have alot of work to do.

AAAmusic: What are you like live?

Honestly, we rock. We are high energy. Stevie and I always bring it and we always try to pull the audience in and have them participate. Stevie’s got rapper manerisms and I’m all about the rock. I’ts a unique chemistry. We always have strong crowd reactions regardless as to whether they knew who we were prior.

AAAmusic: What makes you different?

White and black, rock and rap, we are both 6’2″ tall. I think they listen because our stuff is entertaining, different and they can relate, plus we kindsa represent a little something for everyone.

AAAmusic: Physical vs Downloading vs Streaming…How do you listen to music?

Hmmmmm gotta give it to iTunes. Thousands of songs at your finger tips exactly when you want ’em.

AAAmusic: What have you been listening to?

Been going oldschool with Fallout Boy and Stevie has been listening to Childish Gambinos new album ‘Because the Internet’. Very unique sound.

AAAmusic: What are your aspirations for the future?

We’ve got a lot in the hopper! Thinkin’ world domination!

Questions answered by: Tyler of Tyler & Stevie…

Catch them next week on the 24th of February at Under the Bridge, London…