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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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| On 01, Dec 2013

Ugly EP

Hatty Taylor and Nigel Firth met when she was his guitar student and this is what happened. Vienna Ditto’s new mini EP, Ugly, combines imaginative percussion and electronics with country blues, creating an interesting blend. Although overly electronic beginnings can seem generic, this robot quickly blends into a smooth and shamelessly catchy guitar riff. Despite not being a fan of cyborg effects I can appreciate that there is something hypnotic about it. And most of the time it just sits twinkling beneath Hatty Taylor’s husky yet sweet vocals, which have a vulnerability to them that could either be down to a desired effect or inexperience. Either way they’re endearing and I wonder how old she is: she sounds young. At the end of the song we’re treated to a catharsis of pure electric guitar and vocals. ‘By Way Of Apology’ features acoustic guitar and almost eerily soft vocals with a tad of a tinge of echoing electronics. Really catchy and poppy but with a sprinkle of imagination glittering the top.

Rose Benge