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AAA Music | 23 February 2025

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YOUNG AVIATORS – We’ve Got Names For Folk Like You

| On 18, Nov 2013


Taking clear influences from the likes of Cage The Elephant, The Subways, Hives and Arctic Monkeys (before they got all mature) Young Aviators latest single ‘We’ve Got Names For Folk Like You’ throws back to a time when Indie music was the rebellious teenager of ‘Pop’ culture shooting it’s mouth off.

Kicking off with a swell of guitar reverb and slap-back delay (probably mistaken on that) quickly settles into an instantaneous foot tapping melodic tone. Sharp guitars, gruff yet poetic vocals and topped of with it’s punchy drums the track quickly ups the ante during the pre-chorus sections with a full-out smashing dynamic build into the obligatory Indie up-beat groove of the chorus sections.

Now, lyrical content I’ve always been candidly vocal about, so naturally it brings great joy to my ears to hear an Indie song NOT about love or any bulls**t associated with it. I will always state music is a driving force for culture; we don’t care about your ex. But alas, that’s an argument for another day.

I may have thrown the Indie word around this minimal review a bit, but I stress this is much more of a generalisation as it’s feels a bit pretentious to pigeon-hole music further than this. That’s said, for all you ‘musos’ the track does resonate with a New-Wave surf feel that’s grounded in clear Grunge-Rock roots. Better?

In the standard conclusion style I shall sum up my thoughts by repeating them one more time. Punchy, loud, catchy and all wrapped up with a genuine (will stress genuine) political agenda, what’s not to like? Top marks guys.

Daniel Garnham