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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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DRONES – Graves

| On 26, Sep 2013


Drones are a punk/ hardcore band hailing from Camberley, in Surrey, who formed in 2010. The band is back, this month with their new EP Free Marked Kid, a follow on from their debut album release Mutiny.

‘Graves’ is the latest music video and single to be brought out from Drones and captures the sound of the new Free Marked Kid EP brilliantly in the song.

There are the usual punk rock guitar riffs and bass running throughout the song, along with the vicious spitting of words by true punk influenced lead vocalist Daly George, who has the lyrics spot on for this 2 minute 58 second wonder.

If you like your music fast paced, loud and with attitude, then this is certain the perfect track for you. Aggression and venom kick out from ‘Graves’ full pelt, along with speedy drum beats that make an excellent hardcore song.

Pogo-ing punks a plenty in the music video of the song too, creating a standard punk night, in a small, sweaty bar with people losing their minds to the song as it plays on and the vocals scream out.

‘Graves’ is an excellent 21st century punk/ hardcore band for the new generations, Drones are a band who will be great to see live, with a predictably enthusiastic and high pelt performance at your local club soon enough.

Sam Panasuik