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AAA Music | 7 September 2024

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SCARLETTE FEVER – Where’s The Fun?

| On 03, Jun 2013


Hmm… Where to start? Where was the fun in watching this video or hearing this song? I know that’s probably the whole point of the single but I can’t say I got any enjoyment from it. The track isn’t awfully produced, the singing isn’t terrible but as a package it isn’t great either. The vocals sound like they could have been done by anyone, they don’t have a unique quality to them. It’s the sort of track that you might hear in a shop and your ears won’t bleed but you won’t remember it either. It’s just, for want of a better word, a bit meh. Typical hope-to-be catchy pop with a hope-to-sound-impressive soul-infused voice. Very flat.

Rose Benge