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AAA Music | 22 January 2025

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AAA Music Approved: Cut Yourself In Half

| On 28, May 2013

CYIH promo 1

AAAmusic: Who are you and where are you from?

We are Cut Yourself In Half, four guys from Bradford, a strange place in the north of England. We formed from three other bands and come from different musical backgrounds; I think you can hear the different elements in the album…Amongst the giant riffs of course!

AAAmusic: What inspired you to get into music?

We just really like music – all types of music too. We have a eclectic tastes. We are metalheads, rock n rollers and hip hoppers, if it sounds good we like it. The only thing that gets you into music is music. I think we make the music we do because it’s satisfying, it’s meaty and it makes people listen.

AAAmusic: What have you done? 

Well at the moment, if the truth be known, we kind of stand at the beginning of the unknown. It’s exciting! We have produced ‘Mekkanism’ and we are proud of it – it was ace times. Before that we spent two years hardly leaving our rehearsal studio, just playing, having a good time and doing what friends do, and our album is the fruit of that. Next we need to tour, not kill ourselves and then make another album that’s even better and that we are even more proud of…

AAAmusic: What are you like live?

We are  heavy, loud and like to get in your face. We are starting to pick up some good slots, support wise – Hawk Hyes were great to play with – but we need more. That is coming now. Over the next ten weeks we have a pretty good schedule up and down the country. We are in London on the 12th June with Wet Nuns –  that should be a daddy.

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AAAmusic: What makes you different?

It’s a hard question, because it’s hard to be completely different. We come from a very tight knit group, we have known each other and all our friends from our early teens, none of us have ever really fallen out. We are a bit weird, but so are a lot of people, so i guess that doesn’t make us that different.

AAAmusic: Physical vs Downloading vs Streaming…How do you listen to music?

Any way of listening to music is good. I have amassed a rather large collection of Vinyl over the years – I love 45s! That’s how music was meant to be listened to and collected in my opinion. Some of that has gone now with the Internet and Spotify, but I use that too; it’s ace on your phone. Spotify also allows me to find music and bands that I wouldn’t have without it, thats for certain. But if I like it I still buy it!  CDs have pretty much gone the way of the dinosaurs.

AAAmusic: What have you been listening to?

I Know we are all very excited about the new QOTSA album; that will be getting a severe playing when it arrives.

AAAmusic: What are your aspirations for the future?

As for CYIH, we are already planning and starting to write again. What we need now is take our album on the road, do loads of amazing shows, have fun times and meet good people. That’s why we are here and that’s what its all about at the end of the day.

Questions answered by: George from Cut Yourself In Half…