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AAA Music | 10 March 2025

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Death Valley Scars – Release a disturbing lyric video for single ‘Valentines Day’ !!!

| On 18, Mar 2013

ShotDeath Valley Scars the brainchild of Dan Devour have released the lyric Video for their first single ‘Valentines Day’ taken off the yet to be released album ‘Killing Hookers since 88’and because of disturbing imagiary has already been causing a stire.

On the bands facebook page singer Dan Devour addressed peoples comments on the single.

“Ok! the first time ‘Valentines Day’ was heard the Christain groups said we are one of the most evil bands in the World and put us in the top ten bands they most hate, and now the lyric Video for the song is causing some controversy because of images used in it. We don’t mean to offend we just write the lyrics and pick the imagiary to how the World makes us feel today. In a recession and with people that treat each other so badly every day!!! sometimes you just need to stand up for what is right and say it how it is. All the World will be hit with the power that is our debut album on Valentines Day 2014 and you will see what we are all about and it’s not what you will expect!” – Dan Devour

You can catch Death Valley Scars on May 12th at the London, Lexington for their first UK show supporting William Control. The band will be handing 15 rare signed copies of the single to people at the front of the crowd during the song at this show. These very special copies will only be limited to only 25 copies and the other ten are going out to family and friends so this is a must for any fan of the band and are not to be missed.


12th – Death Valley Scars – London, Lexington (Supporting William Control)