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AAA Music | 23 February 2025

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Women will be Girls – Universal Sex

| On 12, Feb 2013

Universal Sex Arena is the new album by Women will be Girls. Very difficult to pinpoint a genre, but it is very reminiscent of the rock that was heard from the 60s and 70s with some modern elements.
The vocals are rather soft and warm, but have quite a good range of emotion that when layered on top of the instrumental, gives a very delicate texture. The harmonies are rather simple, but again, this is not necessarily a negative. There are enough contrasting textures to create a rich sound that is enticing for the listener. The sounds used are quite typical of the genre, guitars, drums and occasionally some other instruments. Together, these blend with the vocals to create an interesting new whole. The percussion is not overpowering, though at times does seem to be a bit less noticeable. In spite of this, they help to keep the overall beat of the tracks and thus the musical flow of them.
Overall, these are a very good listen. They have good musical interest, with melodic and harmonic variation and the percussion keeps it flowing with the other parts.

Rhys Maroney