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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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AMELIA CURRAN – Spectators

| On 11, Feb 2013

Nova Scotia actor, playwright and songwriter Amelia Curran sings folk songs in an unconventional style.  Her last album Hunter Hunter received four nominations at the 2010 East Coast Music Awards and she won a Juno Award for Best Roots and Traditional Album.


Amelia’s album Spectators, released on Six Shooter Records on 11th February, 2013, was recorded in Toronto. She is supported by musicians Bryden Baird (horns) and Todor Kobakov (strings) together with acoustic guitarists Martin Tielli, David Baxter and John Critchley. Backing vocals are by Selina Martin.


What Will You Be Building has a slow Dixieland band playing a dark dirge and  Amelia tells her lover that the only person she will answer to is ‘her Maker.’ The San Andreas Fault is a personal and beautiful love song with adventurous lyrics which reflect on a relationship that has ended bitterly. Face On The News touches upon private political views and how they’re sometimes not actually discussed until we see ‘their face on the news.’

These are songs of longing and loss sung confidently with a strong sense of urgency. Amelia is an intelligent poet whose words are honest and illuminating. She puts depth and meaning into thought provoking lyrics and her raw, tender and bluesy voice sounds strong and pure.


Anthony Weightman