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AAA Music | 23 February 2025

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Horse In Transit – If I Were A God

| On 28, Jan 2013

I can’t tell whether it’s ok of me to expect something wildly different from the norm every time I pop a CD into my stereo (I know, retro. They’re posted and everything!). I know the reason that you get differences from the norm is because many more people are doing the same thing elsewhere, so it just is more likely to experience something that the majority of people are doing, but I still can’t help but feel a little put out every time I hear a band with a decent helping of talent play something that just seems played out. Done before. Outdated. Even if it’s pretty decent it just isn’t… new. And here’s the problem I have with Horse In Transit. As straight up, fists in the air hardcore punk goes, it’s far from bad, in fact some of it is pretty good, but so far they just seem to be another band playing ultra-serious, ultra-brutal hardcore punk with some flair and panache. It’s not bad, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not all that special either.
I might have been a bit harsh before, when this E.P is good, it’s really good. On average there’s at least one moment in every track worth listening out for, like I Am’s queasily chiming guitars and the apocalyptically heavy climax of Survival Plan, but look a little deeper at the current UK hardcore scene (or hell, in the case of a band like Pulled Apart By Horses, a little shallower, I suppose) and you’ll find bands who provide the same kinds of breakneck thrill, but with more identity. And in the end, identity will always be more important than primal coolness. In all, this is very much for the connoisseur, it’ll probably make a small number of people very happy indeed, and let’s be honest, it will be amazing live by the sounds of it. But compared with their peers, I can’t in all good conscience give this a genuine recommendation.

Will Howard