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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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SUKH – Kings

| On 13, Jan 2013

SUKH - Kings
Folk singer-songwriter Sukhdeep Krishan (Sukh) is a Manchester based guitarist and pianist with country and folk-rock tinges. He’s musically influenced by Bob Dylan and Sigur Ros. His literary and poetic inspirations are the Russian authors Tolstoy and Turgenev and Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen.

Kings, his debut album, is released on January 14th, 2013. Sukh, as a doctor, says that Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl’s “man’s search for meaning” has influenced the way he feels and thinks: “And your conscious it grows like a root through a stone. A professor in the zone. Cooking chicken at home. Biting down to the bone.”

Kings is confidently written, performed and produced by Sukh. This is an ethereal, precise and perceptive album where songs are positive but also sad and reflective. There’s a charm and grace which is warm and inviting.

Anthony Weightman.