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AAA Music | 5 March 2025

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Hoda Mohajerani – Raging Waves

| On 17, Dec 2012

Well, this is it. I’m about to criticise the lyrics of someone for whom English is probably not their first language. While that might make me sound like a douchebag do let me explain. The lyric in question is the second one in the song and it’s very difficult to ignore, it’s “When you’re all alone / No-one else is around”… I mean come on! I could make several comparisons to other examples of stating the obvious, but then I’d be guilty of making the exact same mistake, stating the bloody obvious. Although in the long run, it’s probably for the best that she wrote it the way she did, otherwise I would have had even less to talk about in this review. Other than the opening clunker, Raging Waves is a perfectly serviceable slice of austere folk rock with an anthemic touch to it, nothing to chill the blood but nothing to get it pumping either. There’s enough interesting things here, like a slab of distorted bass after the opening chords and Mohajenari’s quivering yet passionate voice to tip it onto the forgivable side of “not bad” but it’s still “not bad”, and whether that’s worth your time and money is extremely debatable indeed.


Will Howard