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AAA Music | 30 September 2024

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CA SMITH – Someone You Love

| On 25, Nov 2012

Canadian instrumentalist and singer songwriter Christian Anderson Smith, now London based, is an alternative folk, surf and rock musician known by his stage name Mayor McCA. He’s a bearded writer, actor, musician, cartoonist, animator, and one time mayoral candidate. He’s opened spots for Feist, Slow Club and Daniel Johnston.

Someone You Love, his 3rd album, is released on 3rd December, 2012 in the UK on the Throwing Hands label. This, his first album in five years, is a combination of old and new songs, mostly stories about death, addiction, depression and salvation.

Christian is hard working and professionally comfortable with his silly, comedic hill-billy music. It’s a vaudeville style act which combines singing, instrumentals and tap dancing to appeal to audiences. To fans he is a talented, brilliant and charismatic musician. To critics he is difficult to listen to, without character or cohesion.

Track list: Baby, Time, Shoot, I Wanna Pet, A Wedding Song, H4B, Hey Bloo, Ya Get Me Babe, Apologize To Your Boyfriend, Depression, Addicted To Chapstick, Drinkalottawater, You’ve Got A Lot To Learn and Judge Judy.

Anthony Weightman