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AAA Music | 5 March 2025

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Crowns – Stitches in the Flag

| On 05, Nov 2012

Stitches in the Flag is the new album by Crowns. It seems to be of the rock genre, with some other influences.

The vocalist has quite a catchy voice, which he has used to great effect with the very catchy backing instrumentals. The first track in particular has a very catchy folk style melody and rhythm which makes it really easy to listen to without having to worry about it being too heavy. The instrumentals are rather simple, but have very complex and interesting rhythms which make the music much more powerful; sometimes less it more. The drums are rather simple, not too heavy, helping to support the music above it without being obtrusive at all.

Overall, this album is very catchy and I would happily listen to this at home and when out and about. I can see the folk style rhythms and melodies getting stuck in my head for quite a while yet.

Rhys Maroney