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AAA Music | 6 March 2025

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Matt Cardle- The Fire

| On 29, Oct 2012

After parting ways with Columbia Records earlier this year, Matt Cardle has gone back to his roots and is releasing second album “The Fire” via So What Recordings, a smaller label but perhaps more suited to Cardles down to earth manner.
Matt co-wrote all but one track on this album and this is easy to hear. While his debut album was glossy, heavily polished and a tad over produced this album has gone back to basics with a clear focus on the song quality over production techniques.
The album opens on “It’s Only Love” a passionate upbeat love song that commands your attention and sets the tone of the album. It would have been easy for Cardle to release a record with ballad after ballad but it is refreshing to hear him push the boundaries and step into unfamiliar territory on tracks like “The Fire” and “Anyone Else” that are rhythm driven pop tunes. Of course, there are a few slow numbers on this record including his infamous rendition of “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” that left the nation in tears and ultimately put Cardle in the front-running for the X- Factor title. There are quite a few well written tunes on this album, but it must be said that as an album, unfortunately it doesn’t quite flow. Overall, I struggle with this album because although I admire the diversity in the tracks, there is no consistency to be heard and I cannot really grasp what genre Cardle is going for here.

Orna Lyons