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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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Allegro – Forever

| On 21, Oct 2012

‘Forever’ was an album that was actually created many moonths ago, and sat on by the record label after indie four piece Allegro decided to disband.

It’s a shame Allegro decided to call it a day, as despite the so-so production, the pop-infused indie rock of this collection of 13 tracks is pretty darn danceable – the kind of music that would come alive in the live environment.

Songs like opener ‘City Lights’, ‘I’ll Stand By You’ and I’ll Be There For You’ showcase the band’s happy-go-lucky sense of pop-rock – with punky drum parts, jangly guitar lines and bouncing melodies. Think Vampire Weekend without the overtly noodly jangles, or The Libertines with less grit. When they decide to slow things down, they come across more Britpop, such as on the drawling, Blur-esque ‘Iceman’ and the Noel Gallagher sounding ballad ‘Won’t You See’.

Frontman Austin Edwards’ voice is incredibly fitting for an indie band of this sort – part punk rock husk, and part high-pitched Jack Penate. Thrilling stuff. ‘Allegro Forever’ is well worth checking out, it’s just a shame that nothing more might come from this promising outfit.

Clive Rozario