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AAA Music | 5 March 2025

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Centre Excuse – Generation Z

| On 27, Sep 2012

Generation Z is an electronic rock EP that has a strangely unique sound to it.

The vocals are of a mid-high range (possibly baritone) and help reïnforce the melodies of the instrumentals below. Throughout the EP, the vocals are well used to convey a range of effects and are close to more modern rock singer styles. The instrumentals have a range of interesting melodies that are infused with traditional rock sounds and a lot of electronic styles. This fusion of styles creates a unique feel that makes this EP very listenable and has increases the replay value. It’s an EP that is very easy to listen to at home or on the go.

Overall, the fusion of styles has helped to create a good EP that is interesting and unique and also has good replay value.

Author:Rhys Maroney