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AAA Music | 6 March 2025

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We Are Augustines – Book Of James / Philadelphia

| On 03, Sep 2012

The following two tracks are by the band ‘We are Augustines’. The two tracks, Philadelphia (The City of Brotherly Love) and The Book of James are of a light rock genre.

The vocalist has a baritone-tenor range, with a warm tone. Throughout the two tracks he uses his voice with pleasing results. It complements the backing instrumentals rather well and helps to create a sense of unity between the two.

The guitars have a simple usage throughout both songs, but occasionally have some slightly more intricate parts that help to weave a harmony with the vocal melody above. The drums themselves are simple and help to help the beat effectively throughout both tracks. There aren’t any noticeable points where the drums create any odd rhythms that upset the melodic rhythm or beat in a way that makes the music feel like it’s stopping at awkward points.

Overall, both tracks are very good pieces of music that have a good replay factor. The vocal melody and backing harmony, along with the strong and steady drums help to create a very satisfactory track.

Rhys Maroney