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AAA Music | 5 March 2025

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Capital Sun – The Work Song

| On 15, Jul 2012

I rather like this old-fashioned and quirky folk-rock track from Capital Sun. Short but sweet, it has rich and distinctive harmonies, an effective and varied soundscape, and a pleasing melodic approach that perfectly fits the nature of the lyrics. A witty lament on the hideousness of a relentless and unfulfilled working life, the band do a good job of creating contrasting moods in the verses and chorus to reflect the shift in the emotional focus of the lyrics. It’s a bit like a Sixties-esque character/observational piece from the early Kinks or Beatles outputs. This includes the effective use of instruments, a mixture of jaunty guitar for the verses and dreamy synths in the chorus. My only real criticism of the song is that perhaps it could have been longer – feeling as it does a bit like the band couldn’t be bothered to come up with a middle section. Nethertheless, it’s a very entertaining and individual piece of work that bodes well for their future output.

Rupert Uzzell