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AAA Music | 6 March 2025

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Reptar – Body Faucet

| On 24, Jun 2012

For those whom, like myself, had never heard of Reptar until now, they are a four-piece band who have the uncanny ability to produce some of the most infectious songs I think I’ve ever heard – and when I say infectious, I mean that in the most positive of ways; like a smile, not the flu.

Their album, ‘Body Faucet’, is released on July 2nd and has 12 tracks – all of which are virtually impossible not to like. Each track makes me want to dance or at least tap my foot in a very excited manner. Their sound has been likened to that of The Talking Heads, Prince, and Animal Collective. I can’t say that I’m hearing that myself but what I can say is that their sound is incredibly happy and catchy. It’s incredible.

One of the problems I tend to have with albums is that there’s usually a few bad eggs on the album; you know the kind of songs you have to be in the mood for or just always skip? Thankfully, there are no such songs on ‘Body Faucet’. Each song provides the album with something new but still stays true to the bands fantastic sound.

Most of the songs on the album have a particular part that is catchier than the rest of the song. This might not be to everybody’s taste but I, for one, love it. In the first track, ‘Sebastian’, there are parts where the lyrics are literally ‘oh’ but repeated in time with the music (apologies for my poor explanation, I guess you’ll just have to listen to the album yourself to understand – you won’t regret it). These parts in particular are great for anyone who has trouble remembering lyrics because even if you just make noise along with the music, you’re likely to sound like you’ve got it right.

As for the rest of the lyrics on the album, they’re brilliant. They’re not too simple, nor are they too over-the-top. They work for the band, for the sound and, more importantly, they work with the meanings behind each song. Lyrics have always been a big thing for me when it comes to songs and this album didn’t let me down. Clearly Reptar are undeniably talented.

Their sound, to me, has a hint of MGMT running through it. This can only be a positive thing, of course. There’s enough in their sound to make them have their own sound but enough of MGMT and other similar bands to help attract the attention of the fans of such music. They have been described by NME as being “bouncing synth pop” and this is a statement that I couldn’t agree with more if I tried.

Given the terrible weather in the UK at the moment, this album is sure to raise smiles on many a person’s face. Like I said before, it’s as infectious as a smile! If this album is anything to go by, Reptar are going to go far.

Author: Melisa Greenfield