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AAA Music | 6 March 2025

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Mellor – Catch Me Girl

| On 17, Jun 2012

Considering Mellor only formed in 2011, a lot has happened for them in their short career thus far. For a start, they’ve played the main stage of Alex James Presents Harvest Festival alongside other greats such as Athlete and The Kooks.
The four-piece band, hailing from Reading, are what I’d imagine would happen if a scientist combined The Libertines with The Beatles – a kind of indie rock ‘n’ roll. If ‘Catch Me Girl’ is anything to go by, Mellor are going to have a very busy, successful schedule for the next few years. It’s about time real music was played again.
The lyrics of the single are brilliant. As previously mentioned, there’s something quite Beatles-like about them, something that is clear in the lyrics. They’re innocent, catchy, simple, and pretty easy to relate to. What more could you ask for from lyrics?
As for the vocals, they’re incredible too. There’s something slightly harsh about them but in the most positive way you could imagine; they’re sort of raspy and delightful to listen to. It doesn’t sound like the lead singer has to try too hard to hit the notes which leads me to think that Mellor would be amazing to see live. Coincidentally, they’re touring throughout June so if they’re playing near you, it might be worth checking them out.
The overall melody of the song is catchy and uplifting. It’s one of those songs that you could listen to regardless of what mood you’re in. If you’re sad, it would probably cheer you up. If you’re happy, you’ll just want to dance. The song instantly sends my imagination into overdrive – I’m wearing a big, puffy dress at a dance that I’d imagine they held in the 50’s but there’s something modern about it too.
The B-side to the single is called ‘Last Man on Earth’. Again, the melody screams 50’s and the vocals scream Libertines. It’s one of the more well-matched combinations heard in the music industry for a long time and something that’s, quite frankly, been lacking. It’s hard to think of anything bad to say about the singles and the band. They’re clearly four very talented people.
In all honesty, ‘Catch Me Girl’ is one of the best songs I’ve heard in a long time, as is the B-Side, ‘Last Man on Earth’. Expect to hear a lot more from Mellor soon!

Melisa Greenfield