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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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Screw @ The Underworld

| On 05, Jun 2012

London, 30th May

Screw It’s another chance to see this great band from Japan after they played the UK about a year ago and they start of slow feeling content playing slow numbers that just see the band prancing round the stage in slow motion keeping very close together. They look amazing dressed in punky purple J-Rock clothes and glammed up hair, playing on homosexual tenancies with each other to tantalize the majority of females in the audience who scream the whole way through the gig like you’re at a One Direction. Until they pick up the pace I wonder if they are as good as I have seen in the music videos which stalk you on you tube. The pace is breached to noise level critical and screams and anger this time from these Japanese punk metallers smash the silence like a hammer in the face, and you see why everyone has been waiting to see them for quite some time. This heat is added to by the singer Byou taking his top off which is greeted by a fair few females lustful eyes. The music is a dynamic metal explosion and is what we all need to break up the dullness of this Wednesday.

Daniel Cairns