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AAA Music | 17 March 2025

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| On 01, Jun 2012

Unsigned Muso Magazine (UM) is launching its first issue to thousands of eager musicians at music competitions across the country. UM is a free bi-monthly print publication written by music professionals offering advice to ‘musos’ throughout the UK and tips on how to make the best of social media.


The first issue includes an interview with Aled from Kids in Glass Houses and an exclusive article written by Barney Boom from dance/rock crossover act, Sonic Boom Six.


Barney is keen to support aspiring bands and said: “It’s great to see a publication showing support to unsigned musicians and I’m stoked to offer any advice that I can to give a little back. I absolutely encourage reader questions! Hopefully by reading UM bands will get some much needed guidance on how to make the best of their talent.”


UM plan to work closely with more signed bands and artists in the future, stripping away the ‘fame’ barriers and bridging the gap between musicians at the top and the unsigned musos that look to them for inspiration.


Editor of UM, Jennifer Le Roux, said: “It is great to be part of such an inspiring project. Having struggled with my own band several years ago and lacking the support we needed, UM is a great way to get some much needed advice and tips to musicians or singers seeking direction and focus.”


UM plan to work closely with music competitions across the UK and took the decision to launch the first issue at the Live and Unsigned finals due to its popularity, attracting more than 40,000 entries per year from aspiring musicians and therefore distributing the free magazine directly into the hands of the target readership.


Director of UM, Harry Costings, said: “In addition to utilising unsigned competitions to get the magazine out there, we also plan to secure key distribution points with a selection of music shops in each city across the UK.”


Open Mic UK 2011 winner Hatty Keane is featured on the cover of the first issue. Jennifer plans to vary the cover page with musicians, bands, acts and solo artists to ensure a clear understanding of its target to all unsigned artists, no matter their instrument or talent, she said: “There may even be an alternative or burlesque special on the cards.”


A&R scout and contributing writer for UM, Ben Price, said: “Unsigned Muso Magazine is a fantastic way for music professionals and signed bands or acts to connect with unsigned musicians offering them tips on how to promote themselves from the beginning.”


Unsigned Muso Magazine is a free bi-monthly magazine distributed at key unsigned competitions and events with future plans for key distribution points in each city throughout the UK. The Editor is Jennifer Le Roux, ex-singer of Portsmouth band Life with Max, Music writer for Mayhem! Magazine and Online Editor of The University of Portsmouth magazine, Pmag. Facebook: and Twitter: @unsignedmusomag.


Hatty Keane’s success in Open Mic UK led to her being offered a management and development contract by Future Music and BGM. Hatty has been working hard ever since to perfect her music, heading toward her first single release in late 2012. More information at: