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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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Sulpher @ The Purple Turtle

| On 16, May 2012

London, 4th May

Global Citizen frontman is dressed like a Hollywood era Marilyn Manson who has went out to a sex shop. They run through songs about being some ones Slave and f**king in the dark. Think they are quite a sexual band and would go down well in a kinky sex club, but do they really have anything new they sound like they are stuck in the 90’s which is not always a bad thing but I just think they have been stuck in a circle of supporting every band under the sun and haven’t really progressed forward. They do a good job of warming up the beginning of the night and are not bad for an opening band.

Global Citizen – Setlist
The only One
Don’t make it Slow
Early morning Star
Ain’t over Yet
Your Majesty

AlterRed gave 100 copies of the new CD for free to the first people through the door because tonight is the launch of ‘Dollstown’ which is high anticipated and I’m sure that everyone would have been willing to pay for. They come on looking like the front cover of the CD with mask with completely white faces and red lips and the two lady shop mannequin dolls go to a position and stand their totally still to the start of their set. As they break into the haunting Dresden Dolls Esq title track ‘Dollstown’ they are joined onstage by a new edition to the ranks a live electronic drummer which just enhances their sound. New songs like ‘We Disappear’ shows that they have progressed a hell of a lot in the last year being very catchy with hints of Depeche Mode while old songs like ‘Fleshbind and Like April Fools’ just make you realise why you have been following this band for quite a while. They always end with the killer ‘Nothing less than Violence’ which always ends the set on a climax, but not the kind of climax that Global Citizen like to talk about.

AlterRed – Setlist
Amp Chic
We Disappear
The Patient
Like April Fools

Sulpher have all their friends in attendance tonight including Gary Numan and all the members of the Prodigy with these in the venue tonight and being their first live show for a long, long time they would really have to show what they are made of. They have a new album about to come out so we knew we going to hear some of that but they bring out all the old gems as well from ‘You ruined Everything’ to ‘Misery’ which sound as good as they would have if you heard them when they first played them which is a very rare thing. They even get some crowd participation. The band isn’t as Goth looking as they used to but they have got a rugged elegance about them. They have a friendly manner that quickly turns to anger if anything in the sound is not up to scratch smashing down the equipment like it’s made by fisher price. I think one microphone will never be the same again after the abuse it suffers from Rob Holliday when it doesn’t produce the sound he is after. Rob’s vocal have got amazing now and he even produces a lot of harmonies that I never expect to hear on a Sulpher song which shows the new album is going to have new life in it and the new material goes down very well like ‘No one will ever Know and Disintegrate’. I think the addition of a extra guitarist has given the band new life and ‘Andy Spillane is a really good choice and fits in perfectly into the dynamics of the band. You can see why they influenced the likes of Nine inch Nails and Marilyn Manson with a full sound and an awesome live show what a great comeback.

Sulpher – Setlist
One of us
You ruined Everything
No one will ever know (New Song)
Disintegrate (New Song)
Threw it all Away (New Song)
Nothing (New Song)
Take a Look (New Song)

Daniel Cairns
Photos: Luca Viola