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AAA Music | 14 March 2025

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Bloody Mammals – Demo EP

| On 24, Apr 2012

London based ‘heavy riffin’ punk rock jerks’ Bloody Mammals offer up little with their demo EP. A discerning listener will forgive the band for the poor production that drowns out the vocals – making it sound like their singer is yelling it in to a microphone from across the room – given that this is a demo tape, yet my better judgement leads me to believe I am not missing much.
Musically, the EP does grow from its basic opener, ‘Mammals, Bloody Mammals’, the high point being ‘In the Name of Science!’, which opens with a catchy bass line and power chords which make it sound like a filler from a Queens of the Stone Age album. However, vocally and lyrically, Bloody Mammals share very little similarities with the American super group, missing out on the chance to input any humour, tongue-in-cheek sentiments or even melodies for that matter.
I struggle to pinpoint the exact moment when punk stopped being a statement and became an excuse for people with limited musical talent to make a demo EP. Don’t blame Bloody Mammals though, they didn’t start it.

Will Pye