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AAA Music | 6 October 2024

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The Robbie Boyd Band – I Won’t Let You Go

| On 22, Apr 2012

You know that advert where some impossibly photogenic Man/Woman/Animal does something cute/quirky/adorable, in a park/field/forest on an impossibly bright summers day? Well, you probably don’t considering I made it up but Houston, we’ve found the soundtrack. Mumford and Sons a bit too raucous for your focus group? Don’t think you’ll pull in that vital 40 to 55 demographic? What we have here is the single most inoffensive piece of music since the Dora the Explorer theme tune, all acoustic guitars, mandolins, summery melodies and simple harmonies. It’s not actively awful; it sounds pleasant enough and, if I’m honest, it’s very well produced. Unfortunately, it’s so slight the actual song won’t trouble your mind a second after it finishes. In fact all it leaves you with is a slightly unnerving desire to spend money, but on what you’re not quite sure… Wait, Simon Cowell is a fan of The Robbie Boyd Band? Jesus Christ on a penny farthing. That explains a lot.

Will Howard