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AAA Music | 6 March 2025

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Scarlette Fever – The Great Expectations E.P

| On 01, Apr 2012

Y’know, one of the many, many wonderful things about pop music is how it can take most done to death themes and make them seem fresher than an OCD suffers bedroom after a spring cleaning. Take Scarlette Fever, seemingly able to take what could be all pop music’s go to trope, how ones beau can make one feel like everything is ok, and with only the power of an absolute belter of a melody and some rootsy acoustic guitars make it seem full of life and energy when it could easily slip into triteness and cliché. Which she does on closing track Good Day, but truth be told it’s not something I feel comfortable dwelling on when Cheating Man is an absolute 24 carat stormer. Simultaneously edgier and more melodic than its A Side, it’s a master class in how to sound sweet and heroically pissed off at the same time. In short, while on paper most wouldn’t be caught dead listening to this, it’s entirely their loss, great songs sung by someone with an absolutely astonishing set of lungs. Highly recommended.

Will Howard