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AAA Music | 23 February 2025

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The Chapman Family / Cold in Berlin @ The Bull and Gate

| On 22, Mar 2012

London, 15th MArch

Naturals start with a good kind of ‘My Vitriol’ vibe and I am enjoying some  of the guitar work but you do get a little vibe you heard this before.They do mix it up a bit but I can’t make my mind up if it’s them being cleaver or not deciding on an identity. A couple of songs sound like a cross between  ‘Foals‘Two door cinema Club’ and ‘Vampire Weekend’ so if you like these bands maybe listen but the songs just very so much and in some places are a little boring. No one seems to be getting too excited about them.

 Cold in Berlin go from strength to strength and it’s not until the third  song you realize how strong My’s voice has become and it’s a delight to hear as in the crowd she over powers tonight’s sound system which is quite  something to do. New single ‘…and the darkness Bangs’ sounds killer kicking  in the dark moody section of songs about evil witches and the howling in  the song is like a pack of wolves have invaded the gig. Cold in Berlin have a very strong sound and new songs of the next album seem to show you that the band have gone a bit heavier and some of the guitar riffs sound ‘Smashing Pumpkins’ esq but they have kept their dark indie, goth feel of their debut. They end on a smashing note with the song ‘Whisper’ and your realise why they are being talked about so much.


Cold in Berlin – Setlist


Take Control

…and the darkness Bangs

Brick by Brick

The Witch

Roll on In

The lie

And yet



Chapman Family are another band that I tip for the future and to have two  of the most promising British bands on one gig is a delight to the audience  they sound like they should have come out of the 90’s Manchester scene with  comparisons to ‘The Smiths’ ‘Puressence’ with a little buzz of American band  ‘The Killers’. Tonight they perform a weird version of the ‘Morrissey’ hit ‘Everyday like Sunday’ which is so quick that you don’t really recall them playing it. When lookin at the bands webpage sometimes I wish they would stop preaching messages about views they have and just let the music speak for itself because they are at a very high standard. This message is a little shown in songs like ‘Cruel Britannia’ which they say unrepeatable things about the royal family before playing, for me thou they end on a killing two track combo of single ‘Anxiety’ which is amazingly catchy after several listens and the video is an MTV classic and the noisey lets smash things up song ‘Kids’ which leads to a stage trashing. Chapman Family are the cream of the British scene but where is their ‘Brit Award’ give it back Ed Sheeran!


 Chapman Family – Setlist


Something I can’t get Out

Summer Song

All Fall

English Life

Everyday is like Sunday

Sound of the Radio

No more Tears

Cruel Britannia





Daniel Cairns

Photos: Luca Viola