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AAA Music | 22 February 2025

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WIN a house party with Ed Sheeran!

| On 26, Feb 2012

WIN a house party with Ed Sheeran!


Thanks to The Student Pocket Guide, you could find yourself hosting an intimate gig for your mates with Ed Sheeran performing in your living room…


Can you imagine having a house party with a performance from a platinum album selling artist? No, neither could we until our friends, The Student Pocket Guide, told us about this fantastic competition.


Think back to the best house party you have ever hosted or been to. All of your best mates there, tunes flowing and smiles all round. Now imagine Ed Sheeran turning up at your doorstep, armed with his guitar, ready to perform an intimate set for you, your family and friends in your living room!


All of this can become true for one lucky person. All you have to do to win is complete a very simple form online, which costs nothing and takes seconds. The winner will be selected at random.


To top off this amazing prize, The Student Pocket Guide will provide drinks and even send cleaners round the next day! So all you would have to do is sit back, relax (if you can) and decide who you are going to invite. The rest will be taken care of.


For more information about this fantastic prize go to: