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AAA Music | 10 March 2025

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Dance At My Wedding – Cornshed Sisters

| On 01, Feb 2012

On first listen to this song I didn’t know what to expect but I was very quickly wowed. Beautiful, emotional vocals against the bittersweet acoustic guitar and piano make for a lovely combination. But what I was even more impressed by was the lyrics, which are written in a nostalgic narrative style which really connect to the listener. A perfect choice for a first single and an exciting taste as we await the release of their debut album, ‘Tell Tales’, due to be released on the 9th of April. This single intrigues as to just what these four patchwork sisters can do. They aren’t biologically related, nor do they live in a corn shed, but boy are they wonderful musicians and storytellers!

They will be playing a gig at the Windmill, Brixton on Monday the 13th of February. And if you are willing to part with a small offering of £5 I highly recommend you go and check them out. I’m very sure it will be more than worth it. Listen to Dance At My Wedding and I’m sure you’ll, like me, jump at the opportunity to see them live!


Rose Benge