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AAA Music | 10 March 2025

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Owen James Harvey – Owen James Harvey EP

| On 18, Dec 2011

Owen James Harvey’s self titled EP is a confident recording from an undeniable talent. Remember his name, because if you don’t know of Owen James Harvey yet there is a good chance that you may be humming along to his melodies in the future. From the Laid back bluesy vibe of opening track This Don’t Feel Like Home to the folk rock of Not in my Name, Owen draws the listener in through some strong and memorable tunes.

There is minimal fuss to the musical arrangements which allows the songs to really come through. Owen James Harvey’s voice is relaxed and revealing, which lends validity to his narratives. Bluebird has a bitter-sweet charm, and Marilyn is a beautifully crafted song – complemented by a haunting fiddle solo. In contrast Til the Day I Die with its blue-grass style arrangement and Elizabeth Town are more upbeat, poppy alternatives.

Owen James Harvey has not yet carved a niche for himself by which he can be clearly distinguished from his singer/songwriter contemporaries. However, this EP does illustrate that Owen James Harvey has the songs and the musicianship to really impress. You heard about him here first!

Samantha Edgley