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AAA Music | 9 March 2025

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Kevin Pearce – Pocket handkerchief lane

| On 06, Nov 2011

‘Sweet and melodic album to and a nice listen to a long day’

Last blow out – This song starts off with some nice acoustic guitar riffs. There are also some nice drums that fit well together. The vocals fit in also well and they softness in the voice is also really nice. Vultures – This song starts off with some nice synth being played and accompanied with some nice bass synth and the effected vocals that are known from the previous song. The vocal effects sound like from ‘Damon Albern’. It also has a nice guitar solo that sounds like it has the vocal effect. Waste – This song starts off with an acoustic guitar that is being plucked. The drums are electric and the vocals use the same effect. Burning Summer Sun – This song starts off with a  drums and they are accompanied by a mandolin. Then an acoustic guitar comes in and that is accompanied with an electric piano. Older Times – This song starts off with echoed vocals. Then there are melodic keys that are being played. They are really nice and fitting. There are some nice guitar licks that are being played. Dont Fall Down – This song starts off with an acoustic guitar that sounds like an early bob dylan riff. Then there are some echoed synth being accompanied with some nice melodic driving bass.

Get By – This song starts off with some digital drums being accompanied with some rhythmic acoustic guitar chords. The vocals still use the same effect. The string instrument and xylophones make it a deeper and more emotional song. Seeds Of Summer Fruits – This song starts off with has the same acoustic guitar and vocals that are being played. Dont Tell My Heart – This song starts off with some nice rhythmic Caribbean dance grooves. They are created with drums, acoustic guitar and the synth instrument. The vocals though use still the same effect. Take Us To The Waterfall – This song starts off with an acoustic guitar that is being plucked. The vocals in this song have more depth to them and give it the extra two instruments. Turn Me To Ice – This song starts off with some heavy electric guitar and bass. The vocals sound the same, but grate.



Author: Enrico Dow